Craig on 5 Feb 2004 03:07:21 -0000

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RE: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] New and %$!@ing improved

>>Almost nothing can be targeted. We should be able to target Props and
>>at least- you've put the entire game on that list.
>-Well, thith ith true. However, no way you get to target rules. Propth,
/maybe,/ but not ruleth. Altho notithe that balefire ith a lot cheaper now,
>ath you thay, it'th not that uthful. Yet. If we thill had the Grid, we
could zap Gnometh, Thpeederth, perhapth even whole Grid Thquares out of
>(existence). If enough people want Propothalth on that litht, I'll put it
on. Any thoughth?-

Why not just have a complete list of everything that *can* be balefired?
Then you could have it start out as absolutely nothing (or very short) and
allow it to grow.

 - Teucer

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