Glotmorf on 31 Jan 2004 02:04:41 -0000

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[spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] Three-Proposal Monte

On 30 Jan 2004 at 18:46, Craig wrote:

> I submit the following proposal:
> {{__Three-Proposal Monte__
> One of the proposals "Choice One", "Choice Two", and "Choice Three" is
> chosen at random. All players who voted FOR that proposal and AGAINST the
> other two, or AGAINST that proposal and FOR the other two, shall receive 50
> points. Additionally, all players who voted FOR it if it passed or AGAINST
> it if it failed shall receive 20 points. [[Note that no specific proposal is
> specified here, nor is it specefied how players should vote on the
> unspecified proposal, thereby skirting the "No Kickbacks" rule.]]
> }}
> I also submit three proposals, titled "Choice One", "Choice Two", and
> "Choice Three". These each have the following text:
> {{
> If the proposal "Three-Proposal Monte" passed, give all players ten points.
> }}

Interesting attempt, but it can't work.  If the Monte proposal 
was implemented first, it couldn't know whether the choice 
proposals had passed, since they hadn't passed yet.  The 
proposal would then be over by the time the choice proposals 
got implemented.  If the choices came first, they can't know 
if the Monte proposal passed.

Perhaps what you're looking for is the creation of a self-
repealing rule: "At the beginning of the nweek following the 
nweek in which this rule was implemented, 1d3 is rolled.  Out 
of the prior nweek's proposals Choice One, Choice Two and 
Choice Three, for the one the corresponds to the number 
rolled, all players who voted FOR that proposal and AGAINST 
the other two shall receive 50 points.  Additionally, all 
players who voted FOR that proposal if it passed, or AGAINST 
it if it failed, shall receive 20 points.  This rule then 
repeals itself."

I have, in the past, argued against allowing the proposal that 
creates this sort of rule, since the proposal's sole effect, 
no matter now many times removed it may be, is to create a 
kickback situation, and burying it in a rule doesn't change 
that.  Wonko believed differently.  See what happens.


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