Craig on 4 Jan 2004 23:44:31 -0000

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RE: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] Re: Nweek 55 votes

>> As the scam didn't work, I cannot in good faith vote
>> for this proposal.
>> Therefore I vote for it in bad faith, in the hope of
>> getting a contrary
>> vote point.  Plus I aint seen one good lynching in
>> years.

>I'm touched, really I am, by your obvious
>understanding of the game. How long have you been a

Well, many of my votes are really hoping for a contrary vote point. If I
don't remember what a proposal is about from the name, I usually flip a coin
and hope the will of the people is strong enough to overcome my efforts.

 -- Teucer

"Well, well, well. It seems that the Martial Penis has fallen asleep."


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