Craig on 2 Dec 2003 00:23:00 -0000

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RE: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] new cards, anyone?

>> I propose the following:
>> {{
>> If the cardlist exists, add the following cards:
>>  {{
>> __RPS__
>> Image: The hands of two people playing rock/paper/scissors
>> Body: You may play this card on any Waiting card. When this occurs, a
>> judge
>> is randomly selected. Both you and the player of the Waiting card send
>> a
>> message to the judge containing any one of the following terms: "Rock",
>> "Paper", or "Scissors". These terms are known as Throws. If both
>> players
>> choose the same Throw, the judge chooses one of them at random. If
>> they are
>> different, a player who selected Rock is chosen if and only if eir
>> opponent
>> selected Scissors.

>You might want to mention that the other is chosen otherwise.

I might indeed.

>> If neither player chooses Rock but the Throws chosen
>> differ, the player who chose Scissors is selected instead. The selected
>> player gains the attribute "Hand Job Master".

>Only in the case of a scissors-paper win?

No, you always get it. The rewrite will clarify this.

>>  }}
>>  {{
>> __SMACK__
>> Image: Someone being smacked with a clue-by-four.
>> Body: Choose a player with the attribute Hand Job Master. That player
>> loses
>> that attribute and selects another player, known as the Target. The
>> Target
>> then loses one point of Respect.
>>  }}

>I disagree with the random alteration of Respect.

I was also pondering using style instead. How would you feel about that?

>>  {{
>> __Greater Booby__
>> Image: A pirate holding up eir hand in a gesture of peace turned on its
>> side.
>> Body: Body: Choose a player with the attribute "Hand Job Master". That
>> player loses one bandwidth and the attribute "Hand Job Master".

>The body contains a body?


>If a Hand Job Master is targeted with one of these, can e wait
>arbitrarily long to choose eir Target?

Hm. I hadn't thought about that. Frankly, though, I can see it being good
for an HJM to be allowed to wait.
Note that this only matters for SMACK and Greater Booty.

A revision is forthcoming.

 -- Teucer

"mi'a te cmene ra lu ractu cafmi'a li'u ki'u le nu ra ctuca mi'a"
 -Alice in Wonderland


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