Daniel Lepage on 1 Dec 2003 23:57:48 -0000 |
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[spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] new cards, anyone? |
On Monday, December 1, 2003, at 06:40 PM, Craig wrote:
I propose the following: {{ If the cardlist exists, add the following cards: {{ __RPS__ Image: The hands of two people playing rock/paper/scissorsBody: You may play this card on any Waiting card. When this occurs, a judge is randomly selected. Both you and the player of the Waiting card send amessage to the judge containing any one of the following terms: "Rock","Paper", or "Scissors". These terms are known as Throws. If both players choose the same Throw, the judge chooses one of them at random. If they are different, a player who selected Rock is chosen if and only if eir opponentselected Scissors.
You might want to mention that the other is chosen otherwise.
If neither player chooses Rock but the Throws chosen differ, the player who chose Scissors is selected instead. The selected player gains the attribute "Hand Job Master".
Only in the case of a scissors-paper win?
}} {{ __SMACK__ Image: Someone being smacked with a clue-by-four.Body: Choose a player with the attribute Hand Job Master. That player loses that attribute and selects another player, known as the Target. The Targetthen loses one point of Respect. }}
I disagree with the random alteration of Respect.
{{ __Lesser Booty__ Image: A pirate shaking a fist. Body: Choose a player with the attribute "Hand Job Master". That player draws one card and loses the attribute "Hand Job Master". }} {{ __Greater Booty__ Image: A pirate holding out a hand with the palm down. Body: Choose a player with the attribute "Hand Job Master". That playerchooses another player, known as the Target. A card belonging to the Targetis chosen at random and given to the player who chose the Target. That player then loses the attribute "Hand Job Master". }} {{ __Greater Booby__ Image: A pirate holding up eir hand in a gesture of peace turned on its side. Body: Body: Choose a player with the attribute "Hand Job Master". That player loses one bandwidth and the attribute "Hand Job Master".
The body contains a body?
}}Add eight copies of RPS and two each of SMACK, Lesser Booty, Greater Booty,and Greater Booby to the deck. }}
If a Hand Job Master is targeted with one of these, can e wait arbitrarily long to choose eir Target?
-- Wonko _______________________________________________ spoon-discuss mailing list spoon-discuss@xxxxxxxxx http://lists.ellipsis.cx/mailman/listinfo/spoon-discuss