Daniel Lepage on 19 Jul 2003 05:13:02 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] Gutting the Carcass

On Saturday, July 19, 2003, at 01:08  AM, SkArcher wrote:

19/07/2003 05:59:02, Daniel Lepage <dplepage@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Friday, July 18, 2003, at 10:55  PM, Baron von Skippy wrote:

H. Failed Proposals

When a proposal fails, the following effects occur in order.

The author of the proposal loses 1d6 points.
Other effects specifically related to proposal failure, such as Charm
and Entropy
adjustments, occur.

-Ooohbugger. Anything, you've found something... I'd say that "if this
proposal fails, do blah" falls pretty neatly under the heading of
"effects specifically related to proposal failure." Pardon me whilst I
profit from this.-

No, that's effects specifically related to the failure of proposals in
general, not to yours in particular. Besides which, the text of your
proposal only matters if your prop passes; so the failure bit is only a
failure effect of your prop if your prop passes.

But thanks for wasting most of your bandwidth on props that will do
nothing but lose you score and charm... always good to gain a little
more relative advantage.

Now, I initially thought that, but I'm not so certain. There is nothing says that a prop can't have effects if it fails. Yet. And the only props I've made are a closure of the (theoretical) loophole, so either way I come up smelling of roses thanks to the baron :)

But nothing says it does, and there's no reason to assume it will. Nothing indicates that the ruleset will suddenly repeal itself tomorrow for no reason; but nothing says it can't either. Does this mean that it does?



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