Anything McGee on 18 Jul 2003 23:11:01 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] Gutting the Carcass

>Hmm, it isn't explictly stated, but in r15 (Voting)
>Its not explict, but it is definite. I think I feel a prop coming on to make it explicit

I took it out of the proposal, so this is all hypothetical now.  Still, though, I wouldn't say it's definite.

Nowhere does it say that the proposal's failure precludes passage of sections dependent upon failure, as your prop will do.  (I support your prop, by the way.)

I have a feeling that, had I not amended the prop and it failed, Mr. Administrator would have vetoed the repeal and it would have gone on to a CFI.  It almost tempts me to try a prop like that before your rule takes effect.

That miniature controversy was fun.  Next, I'll show you how to become your own grandfather using three Speeders and a Siren.

Anything M.
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