SkArcher on 18 Jul 2003 22:33:01 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] Gutting the Carcass

18/07/2003 23:20:22, "Anything McGee" <anythingmcgee@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>>Not instantly, no....
>>give me a few minutes, i'll see what I can do
>Sure, I'll be here for a while.  In the meantime, I'll admit that I have yet to find a past proposal that attempted it, but I'm confident that the rules 
and CFIs have overlooked it.
>Anyway, I'm not attached to that.  I can remove it if it's a problem.  It just seems to make sense, considering that the rule would be automatically 
repealed shortly anyway.

Hmm, it isn't explictly stated, but in r15 (Voting)

G. Passed Proposals 

When a proposal passes, the following effects occur in order. 

The author of the proposal gains 3d6 points. 
Other effects specifically related to proposal passage, such as Charm and Entropy adjustments, occur. 
The effects specified in the proposal occur in the order listed in the proposal.

H. Failed Proposals 

When a proposal fails, the following effects occur in order.

The author of the proposal loses 1d6 points. 
Other effects specifically related to proposal failure, such as Charm and Entropy
adjustments, occur.

The third article under Passed proposals is the actual line that implements the rules changes, and it (obviously) isn't included under section H, so no 
rules changes take place

Its not explict, but it is definite. I think I feel a prop coming on to make it explicit


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