bd on 13 Mar 2003 21:22:01 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] NWEEK 36 BALLOT

On Thursday 13 March 2003 09:22 am, Glotmorf wrote:
> >Proposal 1376/0: void main(struct {int x} c) (bd)
> No.  It doesn't say where the Nasal Demon is created, and it is possible
> for the thing to detonate when it's in a square with a player other than
> the responsible one.  In other words, I could invoke Rule 6, position
> myself so that another player is between me and the Nasal Demon, and watch
> said player get blown up.

It's Undefined Behavior. Anything could happen. Maybe I should change it to 
'Some thing happens, involving one or more Nasal Demons'? :) And blowing up 
on the wrong square's there to make it more interesting... Anyway, suggest a 
way to prevent abuses and I'll add it. And I thought I said it was placed 

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