Rob Speer on 5 Dec 2002 02:44:03 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] This should do it

On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 08:08:13PM -0500, Wonko wrote:
> As for the current struggle, there's no way Rob can win, because you've
> always got the last move. Anything you do e can get around, and anything e
> does you can get around; but once Voting starts, then it's just you
> countering em; e can't fight back.

That's a good point. That could be worked around with a bit more
difficulty. But I'll take this onto discuss so that Dave doesn't have to
recognize every step...

My next step would be to make a proposal that does this:
__Step The Hell Down Already__
Perform the actions that were listed in an unregulated object called
"Rob's List-O-Actions" after the last time they were modified by the
player whose real name is Rob Speer. These actions are promised to have
either the effect of repealing rule 1219, or of re-creating Bob the
Voting Fish. [[In fact, they will almost certainly be the former, but I
can't say that or else this proposal itself would contradict rule

To ensure this, after performing the actions, create this rule:

At the end of the nweek, players will have the option to vote YES or NO
on whether the proposal entitled "Step The Hell Down Already" took
appropriate actions. If the number of players who vote NO is at least as
many as those who vote YES, the actions taken by this proposal shall be

The player named Rob may not win or gain points as a result of
implementing the proposal entitled "Step The Hell Down Already". Any
points which would be given to him shall be redirected to the Gremlin

And then I'd set Rob's List-O-Actions to be:
1. If Rule 1219 makes reference to a Chutzpah value of 42, increment
every occurrence of the number 42 in this list and start performing the
actions over again.

2. Add this paragraph to the rule entitled "Chutzpah": {{A rule with
Chutzpah 42 takes precedence over any rule with any other Chutzpah

3. Set the Chutzpah of Rule 10 to 42.

4. Add this paragraph to Rule 10: {{Rule 1219 may be repealed by actions
taken in a proposal entitled "Step The Hell Down Already".}}

5. Repeal Rule 1219.

6. Remove the last paragraph of Rule 10.

7. Set the Chutzpah of Rule 10 to 8.

8. Remove the last paragraph of the rule entitled "Chutzpah".


Glotmorf could of course simply destroy this proposal, but if that's the
only way he can defend his rule, it's hardly immutable.

Rob Speer

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