Baron von Skippy on 12 Nov 2002 17:58:02 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] M-Tek announcement


From: "Baron von Skippy" <baronvonskippy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
I request to join M-Tek and state that, if I am accepted/ hired/ initiated/ sacrificed to the gods of bandwidth exchange, Glotmorf, or whoever is the Prez, has my permission to use my bandwidth for M-Tek proposals unless I explicitly state otherwise.


Hmm.  Try:
" the gods of bandwidth exchange, I give X bandwidth to M-Tek at the beginning of each nweek."
-Not what I'm going for. I'm only giving him what I'm not using, and that changes. E'd have access to whatever e could take before I use it instead of either of us being limited because I'm paying a flat rate.-

Orc In A Spacesuit
tried to let everyone say everything the same way as before, but had to make some minor changes to keep from getting too chaotic.

thinks it should be clear that's not possible

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