Dan Waldron on 20 Jun 2002 06:03:04 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] Mega-Proposal (revision)

> >> 
> >> So a non-being object such as, say, a mutable rule couldn't change the
> >game
> >> state?
> >
> >This is true.  Mutable rules cannot directly change the game state.
> >
> >Mutable rules can ask the Administrator to change the gamestate via rule
> >25.
> >
> >I know this seems weird, but if you think about it, it makes sense.  Just
> >because someone passes a law declaring that the grass is greener on the
> >other side it doesn't mean that the colour will change until someone
> >actually goes out there with a paintbrush.
> Um.  Isn't there something in the current body of rules that says the
> gamestate is affected when an action is taken, rather than when the
> Administrator recognizes it?

Yup.  There are lots of actions to which this applies.  Many of them are
player actions, which are changes to the game state made by the player
when eir message reaches the public forum.  Others are actions by various
gremlins, gnomes, and other entites, which are usually the result of some
sort of trigger.  But the rules themselves don't make these actions, the
other entities do, and they are given permission to do so by the physical

Dan Waldron

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