David E. Smith on 11 Apr 2002 04:14:24 -0000

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spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: Operating independantly of the Ballot once again...

> BTW, r0's gone all weird again... Now it looks like Nomilogue #5... I
> wonder, does the database have trouble numbering something 0?


For some reason I haven't yet narrowed down, the occasional really really
big text (and Nomilogues seem to fall into that category) just make most
Web browsers choke. The 'INSERT INTO nomicrules...' database query gets
choked up somewhere in the middle, which leads to one or more fields being
'0'. And 'rulenum' is one of 'em; it's actually the first field, I think,
so it gets zeroed rather a bit.

I suspect it's a Web browser problem, but it happens with Mozilla, Galeon,
Skipstone, AND Netscape, so at least it's a common problem. (lynx works
well enough, though. I only boot into Windows about once a month, so I
haven't even thought to test Internet Explorer.)
