Donald Whytock on 5 Mar 2002 15:38:45 -0000

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spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: Proposal

On 3/5/02 at 8:38 AM Jonathan Van Matre wrote:

>You knew and __, the Oscar it was legitimate, __ from that place as
>Oscars facility Gremlin the Gremlin which it knows it exists.
>The Oscars the facility Gremlin starts 600 smallness activity existences.
>The bow obeys the roster of the winner whom inside the roster which comes
>after it is what of Oscar types or all for it plans in aerial forum the
>map which will enter does not know a B Nomic Oscars facility from,:
>Inside the role which is important is important inside the actress and A
>support role the actress, (score) music, (song) the best picture, it saves
>the short film, the short film, when to save the feature film which learns
>the inside the player and A support role inside role, an art direction,
>the CINEMATOGRAPHY and a dress design, documentary feature, the foreign
>nation language film it edits, when time effect it edits, it instructs and
>when it writes, documentary short subject and film make-up, music -- the
>activity which is to live, sound and sound (under being adapted the zero
>anger base) it wrote, (the original motion picture base).
>The bow does not know selects the person who in the maximum quantity has
>become one name distinction inside each type. The insect limit roster of
>the person who becomes distinction the }http{:
>// For the each type which
>manufactures the person selection where the bow it could be discovered has
>become distinction, the bow 2 things smallness must give to a Oscars
>facility Gremlin.
>The bow noon, March to center standard time a selection first, obeys makes
>amend does not know always at 24th and 2002 years. The submission which
>decides a time or opening a court will not accept after. Submitting and
>opening a court are not effective by the executive official recognize
>The Oscars in conclusion of broadcasting, the Oscars facility Gremlin will
>present the result of facility inside the method which will come after,: 6
>name bows to select and inside type - each type, when that type (for
>example, the total which the bow obeys 12 smallness) inside smallness when
>positive 20 smallness inside - it manufactures between the bow which
>selects the person who had become the distinction which it wins rightly,
>the germ back, will be divided. The bow inside type does not manufacture a
>selection anh u the cotton, for that type of that time Oscars facility
>Gremlin 20 smallness will decrease in marks obtained Gremlin.
>In order to select the smallness distribution which is equal possibility
>of the bow where inside event in the place the N manufactures a selection
>inside that type smallness is equal and that it will can be divided, the
>marks obtained Gremlin does not know addition N smallness until presents.
>- All remainder smallness that time most big type it hits inside the
>property of Oscars facility Gremlin will and the player which it selects
>(S) it is equal and it is divided. Smallness is equal and when it could be
>divided, the Oscars Gremlin to under uniformity it could be distributed,
>the what kind of smallness will maintain.
>Regarding the result of facility inside event of refutation,
>website as the last authority to be spared in the person who has become
>the distinction which it wins inside each type. The Oscars when it
>completes the medical service which the facility Gremlin makes above flaw
>E it sleeps, Oscars facility Gremlin the uncreated and this rule that time
>will withdraw.

Okay...I think I see where this is going (and the preceding spoon-discuss message helped), but may I suggest an alternative?  Rather than the Oscars Gremlin, how about the Bookie Gremlin, which can be used for a variety of similar bets?  With the Oscars being the first.
