Jorg Rathlev on 13 Mar 2001 13:18:34 -0000

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RE: spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: Bank stuff

> Man, you really don't like the OMA, do you?  That is my primary source of 
> points! :)  And I am curious about the 60 points that you transferred to 
> the bank, as tax collector I already transferred 30, but everyone 
> seems to 
> have ignored it.  Why?

Because it doesn't automatically transfer the points. "If it passes then a Motive Order is issued for the repayment of the debt, to be performed as soon as possible." (R319)

This means Poulenc should have transfered the 30 points "as soon as possible", and he wasn't allowed to perform any other actions before he did.
