Kieron Jarvis on 4 Oct 2000 04:33:59 -0000

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spoon-discuss: The Agent Joel Uckelman is not a Player.

NB: This is still not being sent as an RFJ because I'd like to avoid having
to restart the game due to paradox. C'mon Joel, make yourself a Player
before the paradox becomes worse.

I would state:
The Agent Joel Uckelman is not a Player.

My reasons for this statement are as follows:

The Agent Joel Uckelman has sent no posts to the business list stating a
desire to become a Player.

Rule 106:
"A Player is an Agent who...has become a Player in the manner proscribed in
the Rules."

makes it clear that an Agent may only become a Player as proscribed in the
Rules. The only rules that allow an Agent to become a player are these two.

Rule 209:
"During the first nweek of play, any Agent otherwise qualified as a Player
may become one by publicly declaring eir desire to be so."

Rule 210:
"Any Agent otherwise qualified as a Player may become one if a Motion to Add
naming em is adopted..."

The Agent Joel Uckelman has fulfilled neither of these requirements.

I expect that e would argue from

Rule 208:
"...The Player whose real name is Joel Uckelman is the Administrator..."

I would argue that the explicit requirements of becoming a Player would
override the implicit assumption of R208 that e is a Player.

Again, I remind you that I will drop the matter if he just sends a post to
explicitly request becoming a Player.

Yours Sincerely,
