Jonathan David Amery on Tue, 12 May 2015 14:10:55 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] Prop: Conflict Resolution

This is a resubmission of Motion 1-12

Proposal {{
  Into the text of Rule 2-3 insert between {{game}} and {{ will}}
  {{ that cannot be resolved by other rules of the game}}

  Create a rule section with the following rules within it:

  Rule(__RRs__) {{
    An RR is a Game Document consisting of a single statement.

      "I am a fish" is a well-formed request.
      "Is the gamestate a fish" is a badly-formed request.

  Rule(__Requesting Resolution__) {{
    As a Game Action any Player may submit a request for resolution (an RR).

  Rule(__Eligible Resolvers__) {{
    The set of ineligible resolvers consists of:

      The Administrator, 
      The Player who proposed the RR, 
      Any Player named within the RR,
      Any Player who has previously declined to rule upon the RR,
      Any Player who is Irresolute upon the RR

    The set of eligible resolvers is the relative complement of the set
    of ineligible resolvers in the set of Players.

  Rule(__Selecting a Resolver__) {{
    The Administrator shall select a Resolver for the RR from the set of
    eligible resolvers.

    The selected Player may do exactly one of the following as a 
    Game Action:

      Accept the role of Resolver.
      Decline the role of Resolver.
    In the event that they have done none of these things by the end of
    the second complete nday after their selection then they are deemed
    to have Declined.

    If the set of eligible resolvers is empty then the Administrator
    shall decide the RR by any means they see fit.

    [[ This is an emergency getout outwith the entire procedure ]]

    If the Player Declines then the Administrator shall return to the
    beginning of this procedure.

    If the Player Accepts then they become the Resolver for that RR.

    If the Player becomes Irresolute then the Administrator shall return
    to the beginning of this procedure.

  Rule(__Resolution__) {{
    The Resolver may post a Decision as a Game Action provided it is a
    Valid Decision.

  Rule(__Irresolute Resolvers__) {{
    If the Player does not post a Decision within one nweek then they
    become Irresolute upon that RR.

    If the Player does not post a Decision before the ndelay has
    incremented 7 times then they become Irresolute upon that RR.

      Resolvers are encouraged to be much prompter if possible.
      The above should be regarded as limits not targets.
      It is assumed that RRs during pause are more urgent than those
      which do not interfere with play.

  Rule(__Valid Decisions__) {{
    The set of Valid Decisions is:

      True,           [[ The statement is correct ]]
      False,          [[ The statement is incorrect ]]
      Indeterminate,  [[ Indications point both ways ]]
      Mu              [[ The statement makes no sense in context ]]

  Rule(__Effect of Decisions__) {{
    The statement specified in the RR has the truth value specified in
    the Decision.

      This may mean that the previously understood state of the game
      may turn out to be incorrect.
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