Eric Stucky on Tue, 20 Sep 2011 12:04:38 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] [s-d] Initial Rules Set / Meta-Game - An Experiment in Thought Gaming

>> iff I am not a player, I become a player known by 0x44.
>> I create the following rule delimited by curly-brackets:
>> {{{This rule may neither be created nor destroyed.}}}
> So do I.

I see no reason this should not create a second copy of this rule and a second person named 0x44. One is tolerable - the other, not so much.

If possible, I give ais523 two-tenths of a kudos for his innovation.

> ..and how many rules have we broke creating it? :S
Hehe, that is the question :P

"Every message containing the string "}}}" that needs to be submitted to the

{{{ Title: Redactor has Rights, Too
Any proposed rule with identical text to a rule or a proposed rule may be 
ignored. }}}

{{{ Title: Two People are Two People
No player shall adapt a name which is the name of an object currently tracked by the game. This sentence, and the remainder of this rule, may be deleted at any time, but is effective until that time: The player who sends messages from ais523@xxxxxxxxxx adapts the name ais523, and may not be referred to by 0x44. The player who sends messages from bnomic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx adapts the name 0x44. }}}

I claim there are errors in the ruleset. Not including the above changes, I note the following:

> {{{
> Amend rule 13 to read:
> "Every message containing the string "}}}" that needs to be submitted to the
> Redactor, automatically submits that message to the Redactor.
> }}}

This and the others like it do not actually amend rules, but create new ones whose first words are "Amend rule ~ to read:" Furthermore, by Rule 21:
Rule 13.1 should be Rule 22, with the changes above
Rule 15.1 should be Rule 23, with the changes above
Rule 18.1 should be Rule 24, with the changes above

According to only the names you have listed (I didn't check the thread), there are also some scoring errors. Rule 13 has a score of 0, not -1. Rule 11 has a score of -1, not -2. Rule 5 has a score of 0, not 1. Rule 4 has a score of -2, not -3.

> I am sceptical of this claim.
I am as well; I claim this is an error.


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