0x44 on Wed, 12 Jan 2011 17:01:53 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] [s-d] Emergency Resolution

I vote for teucer's refresh proposal. 

- 0x44

On Jan 12, 2011, at 23:25, Gabriel Vistica <gvistica@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Oops. ttPF.
> ----- Original Message ----
>> From: Gabriel Vistica <gvistica@xxxxxxxxx>
>> To: spoon-discuss@xxxxxxxxx
>> Sent: Wed, January 12, 2011 2:25:05 PM
>> Subject: Re: [s-d] [s-b]   Emergency Resolution
>> I apologize for not getting the ballot out on this sooner, but classes just 
>> started, so I've been kinda busy (I'm guessing that's also why nobody else 
>> pointed that out).
>> I publish the first-round Emergency  ballot.
>> The following Refresh Proposals are on the ballot (in order of  submission):
>> {{
>> The RP submitted by compsciguy can be found here: 
>> http://b.nomic.net/index.php?title=User:Compsciguy/Era6RP&oldid=12850
>> The  RP submitted by teucer:
>> {{
>> Replace the ruleset in its entirety with that  found  at
>> http://b.nomic.net/index.php?title=User:Wooble/Nweek_100_Rules&oldid=12835
>> with  the omission of rule -1 [[this is believed to be the current
>> ruleset, but we  don't actually know for sure.]]
>> Cause all players to cease becoming  players, then cause all people who
>> were eligible to vote in this emergency to  become players, with their
>> identifying names being the names under which they  were most recently
>> players of B Nomic. [[This bit sets everybody to default  everything,
>> so we've all got 500~ rather than the 0 we got by adopting  this
>> ruleset without giving any tildex to anybody. On the other hand,  it
>> also means an infinitely brief moment of armageddon during which  the
>> game is still occurring but has no players.]]
>> Install compsciguy  in the following ministries [[because e held all
>> the old ones]]:  Meta-Ministry, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of
>> Forking Paths, Ministry of  Twiddles, Ministry of the Roster, Ministry
>> of the Rules, Webministry,  Ministry of Arcana, Ministry of Change.
>> Install teucer in the following  ministries [[because the guy
>> suggesting that we keep some large bits of  gameplay we're not used to
>> probably ought to be willing to keep track of  it]]: Ministry of Cards,
>> Ministry of the Game, Ministry of the Arena,  Ministry of Society.
>> Set the Big Ol' Book of Quotes to the empty set.  [[We're obviously
>> going to have to add to it, but dated quotes are  dated.]]
>> Set the card list to that found  at
>> http://web.archive.org/web/20041205131207/www.bnomic.org/display_all_cards.psp
>> [[We're  also going to need a Book of Piece. I volunteer to start
>> writing one and  solicit input.]]
>> Set the value of the nweek to 1000 and the value of the  nday to 1.
>> }}
>> }}
>> Since the Pause is currently 7 (8 in a  couple hours), but the ballot is just 
>> being published, I will tally the  votes when the Pause is 10, unless those on 
>> the list of formally recognized  Outsiders object, in which case I can publish 
>> the ballot before the Pause  can increment to 8.
>> ----- Original Message ----
>>> From:  Gabriel Vistica <gvistica@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> To: B Nomic  Business <spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> Sent: Tue, January 4, 2011 11:54:33 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [s-b] [s-d]   Emergency Resolution
>>> Well, since nobody has objected to my  being Emergency Coordinator, I 
>> initialize 
>>> the Pause.
>>> The value of the Pause is zero. All those on the list of   Outsiders may now 
>>> submit Refresh Proposals. 
>>> -----  Original Message ----
>>>> From: Geoffrey  Spear <wooble@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> To: B  Nomic Business <spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>> Sent: Sun, December 26, 2010 12:16:18 PM
>>>> Subject: Re:  [s-b] [s-d]   Emergency Resolution
>>>> On Sun, Dec  26, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Craig  Daniel <teucer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> On  Sun,  Dec 26, 2010 at 1:58 PM, Geoffrey Spear 
>> <wooble@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Which of the  historical  rulesets the die roll  corresponds to is,
>>>>>> conveniently,  not the problem of the person  resolving this  
> decision.
>>>>> How I think we do  this:
>>>>> 1E  rulesets are allegedly  all reconstructible, but I don't have 
> access
>>>>> to  the tools that would do said reconstructing.
>>>>> 2E   rulesets, I have  absolutely no idea where to get. If nobody has   
>> any
>>>>> particular thoughts  on this matter, we could all  agree  that they are
>>>>> inaccessible; I'm  against  skipping that era if  we can get at it, but
>>>>> if we can't,  we may  have no  choice.
>>>>> 3E rulesets are easy enough  - that's when the wiki   starts tracking 
>> them.
>>>>> 4E and 5E  rulesets are not part of current B  Nomic  history, since 
> they
>>>>> were platonically never the rules.  Exceptions: the  initial  rules of
>>>>> those two eras, which were  adopted but  forbade  gameplay.
>>>>> 6E rulesets are also on the   wiki.
>>>> I think I can make a  good argument that a  roll of  5409 on 10d1000
>>>> corresponds, as closely as   reasonably possible (as  allowed by the
>>>> former Rule 9) to the  ruleset around  nweek 100.  Note that the dice
>>>> server's  limit of 1000 faces per die and my own   insistence on sticking
>>>> with ~10K possible values led to a worse mapping  than  may have  been
>>>> possible with more forethought, although I  don't think  that  we're
>>>> allowed to re-roll under Rule 9.  The   mapping from possible rolls  to
>>>> possible rulesets is probably  just  platonically more convoluted than
>>>> it  needed to  be.
>>>> I *do* actually have the ruleset for this   nweek.
>>>>  http://b.nomic.net/index.php/User:Wooble/Nweek_100_Rules
>>>> I  don't necessarily think that this is the exact ruleset  we've   just
>>>> enacted.  However, it's conveniently in the  middle of an era  with  a
>>>> consistent Emergency Procedure  so even if the other rules  are
>>>> different,  there's a  very high likelihood that Rule 0 now  reads  as
>>>> follows:
>>>> {{
>>>> Rule 0/4
>>>>  Emergency Management
>>>> Last Revision:  nweek 76. Revision   History
>>>> Keywords: Administrator Emergency Forum Paradox    Time
>>>> Attributes: Chutzpah 8
>>>> There  exists, in the  context of the game  that contains this rule
>>>> (hereafter in this  rule known as "The Game"), a  procedure  called the
>>>> Emergency  Management procedure. The Emergency  Management  procedure
>>>> (hereafter in this rule known as  "The Procedure") will be followed   in
>>>> the event of an  Emergency, as recognized by the majority of the   most
>>>> recently formally recognized body of outsiders in The Game.
>>>> An  Emergency, in the context of this rule, is any  event  or
>>>> circumstance, not  already provided for in the  rules of the  Game, that
>>>> prevents the continuance  of the  Game. Emergencies  include, but are not
>>>> limited to, the   following:
>>>> -  The failure of, or lack of access  to, the hosting services  and/or
>>>> equipment used to  administer the Game (hereafter in this rule known   as
>>>> "The  Host") for a period of seven days.
>>>> - The   failure of, or  absence of, enough Ministers that the Game cannot
>>>> continue, for a period of  seven days.
>>>> - The existence of  a paradoxical condition that cannot be   resolved
>>>> under the current  set of rules.
>>>> The Procedure is as  follows:
>>>> 1.  Game time is stopped. Whatever means used in the Game to  track   time
>>>> is stopped as of the beginning of the Emergency. Pending   events  and
>>>> deadlines relative to Game time, with the  exception of  those  specified
>>>> in this rule, are  postponed until Game time  resumes. Pending  events
>>>> and  deadlines with absolute dates and  times do not occur.
>>>> 2. A  Forum is established. The  Procedure depends upon  the availability
>>>> of a means  for Outsiders  and an  Emergency Co-Ordinator to communicate
>>>> (hereafter in this    rule known as "The Forum"). If a Forum does not
>>>> exist or is  not  available,  players will establish one by contacting
>>>> one another  and agreeing upon a new  Forum. If a new Forum cannot  be
>>>> agreed  upon, the Game ends.
>>>> 3.  An  Emergency Co-Ordinator is  established. Any Player may be
>>>> established as the  Emergency  Co-Ordinator. If an  Emergency
>>>> Co-Ordinator cannot be agreed upon,   the Game  ends.
>>>> 4. The Pause is initialized. The  Procedure  tracks time  spent using the
>>>> Pause. When the  Procedure is begun,  the Pause is zero;  thereafter,
>>>> until the completion of the  Procedure, the Pause is increased by   one
>>>> each day at 00:00:00  UTC.
>>>> 5.  Refresh Proposals are submitted. The  Forum will  be used to  submit,
>>>> discuss, select and implement proposed changes   to  the state of the
>>>> Game (hereafter in this rule known as  "Refresh   Proposals") for the
>>>> purpose of either resuming or  ending the Game.  Players  may each submit
>>>> a Refresh  Proposal. Refresh Proposals may  affect any aspect  of the
>>>> Game or the state of the Game, including,  but not limited to:   rules,
>>>> scores or other player attributes, the  valid list of  players,  the
>>>> identity of the Host, the legitimacy   and/or actuality of any  action
>>>> taken in the context of the  Game,  etc.
>>>> 6. A first-round Ballot  is  formed. When the value of  the Pause is 5,
>>>> the Emergency  Co-ordinator will  gather all  submitted Refresh Proposals
>>>> into a Ballot on which players will   vote.
>>>> 7. First-round votes are cast. Each player (including  the   Emergency
>>>> Co-Ordinator) may cast a single vote to select one   of the  Refresh
>>>> Proposals in the Ballot. Votes are cast  by  announcing them via  the
>>>> Forum.
>>>> 8. First-round  votes are counted. When the value of the  Pause  is 7,
>>>> the Emergency  Co-Ordinator will count all the submitted  votes  and
>>>> announce to  the Forum which Refresh Proposal  received the  largest
>>>> number of  votes. If only one  Refresh Proposal received the  largest
>>>> number of  votes  it is selected for implementation and the  procedure
>>>> moves  directly to step 12; otherwise the Procedure continues to   Step
>>>> 9.
>>>> 9. A second-round Ballot  is formed. Refresh Proposals  that  tied for
>>>> the largest  number of votes received in the prior  Ballot will  be
>>>> gathered into a second Ballot on which players will  vote.
>>>> 10.  Second-round votes are cast. Each player   (including the  Emergency
>>>> Co-Ordinator casts a single vote  to  select one of the  Refresh
>>>> Proposals in the second  Ballot. Votes  are cast by announcing them  via
>>>> the  Forum.
>>>> 11.  Second-round votes are counted. When  the value of  the Pause is 9,
>>>> the Emergency Co-Ordinator  will count all the submitted votes  and
>>>> announce to the  Forum which Refresh Proposal in the second  Ballot
>>>>  received the largest number of votes. If only one Refresh  Proposal
>>>> received the largest number of votes, it is selected   for
>>>> implementation; otherwise the Emergency Co-ordinator  selects one   of
>>>> the Refresh Proposals.
>>>> 12. The Refresh Proposal  selected is  implemented by the  Emergency
>>>> Co-ordinator. The  Emergency Co-Ordinator  ceases  to be the Emergency
>>>> Co-Ordinator.  The Procedure  ends. The value of the Pause  is returned
>>>> to zero and  no  longer increments. The standard timekeeping  method
>>>> restarts.  Normal [[?!?]] Play resumes.
>>>> If, during an   emergency, a majority of the most recently  recognized
>>>> body of  players  recognizes that there is no  longer an emergency, the
>>>> Procedure immediately  ends, if  it is currently happening, and the
>>>> Emergency ends with no  change to  the state of the game.
>>>> }}
>>>> Even *more* conveniently, if Era 2 was  imaginary, this Rule 0   was
>>>> probably never legally amended.  Gamestate    collapsed.
>>>> I hereby formally recognize this body of  Outsiders  in the Game  (this
>>>> is, umm, probably dubious,  but the purported  Registrar's most  recent
>>>> report is  probably sufficiently formal in  any  case.):
>>>> {{
>>>> 0x44
>>>> Codae
>>>> compsciguy    
>>>> DimShip
>>>> Hose
>>>> JamesB
>>>> Marr965
>>>> Murphy
>>>> teucer
>>>> Wooble
>>>> }}
>>>> I   recognize an Emergency.
>>>> -- 
>>>> Wooble
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