Jamie Dallaire on Sat, 11 Apr 2009 07:34:48 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] Proposal: GameBoard

Oh, and I revise my Proposal below to make it conflict with Proposal 1903

On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 10:33 AM, Jamie Dallaire

> Since we already have most of the blueprints below but nowhere to play with
> them....
> I submit the following Proposal, entitled "Just the GameBoard Please":
>> {
>>  Create a New Rule with the title "The Game Board" consisting of the
>> following
>>  {
>>    Squares are a type of Game Object which may contain a single Player and
>> at most one Device, excluding any Devices owned by a Player. Squares have
>> an Attribute Color, which is defined below. Squares have an Attribute
>> Altitude, which is defined below.
>>    There is an Attribute Color with a Scope of all Squares, Devices, and
>> Agreements, a Range of all hexadecimal colors and undefined, and a default
>> value of undefined.
>>    There is an Attribute Altitude with a Scope of all Squares, a Range of
>> the integers -5 through 5 inclusive and a default value of 0. Any Square
>> with an altitude greater-than 3 or less-than negative 3 is said to be
>> impassible, and cannot be entered by a Player without some Device or
>> Attribute that permits it. Any Square with an altitude equal to five or
>> negative five is completely impassible and may not be entered by a Player.
>> Any Player Resident in a Square with an altitude lower than zero is said
>> to
>> be Swimming, and eir movement is halved, rounding down. Any Player
>> Resident
>> in a Square with an altitude greater than zero is said to be Climbing, and
>> eir movement is halved, rounding down. A Player who runs out of movement
>> for the nday in a Square with an Altitude lower than zero is Drowning and
>> eir HP attribute is decreased by one for each nday they remain in a Square
>> with a negative Altitude.
>>    The Game Board is a Game Object that is a two-dimensional array of
>> Squares, 20 Squares on a side. As a game action, each Living Player may
>> Travel along the Game Board, by specifying which adjacent Square they are
>> entering. Upon entering the new Square, e ceases to be Resident in the
>> previous Square and becomes Resident of the new Square. Each Living Player
>> may move up to five times per nday, and cannot move while the Clock is
>> Off.
>>  }
> Create a Blueprint entitled "A Wall" that reads:
> {
>   Device: Another Brick Wall
>   Power: Build
>     Effect: Sets the Altitude of a Square adjacent to the Resident Square
> of the Owner in a Cardinal Direction to 4, if m20 can be subtracted from the
> Owner's macks. m20 is subtracted from the Owner's macks.
>     Trigger: Game Action by the Owner specifying the Target Square.
>   Cost: m50
> }
>  Each Player is Squared upon the Game Board in a Randomly Determined
>> Square. If a Player would be Squared where another Player is already
>> Resident, that Player is Squared into another Randomly Determined Square
>> until e is Squared.
>> }
> Billy Pilgrim
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