Charles Schaefer on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 01:12:18 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] [s-d] Alelaelaelalealealealelaelaou

2008/10/12, 0x44 <bnomic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> This has no effect, as Rule 4e70 prohibits Legal Entities from being
> compelled to join a Contract.

Yes it does. So let's make it voluntary:

I submit a contract titled "System for Controlling All Mackerel" a.k.a.
"SCAM (Contract)".

{{1. This contract is the Articles of Incorporation for the "Syndicate for
Centralized Asset Management", also known as "SCAM (Corp)".
2. Charles is the sole officer of SCAM Corp. It may take any action on
behalf of SCAM Corp by announcement.
3. Any human external force may join this contract by sending a message to a
B Nomic forum.
4. Charles may amend this contract at any time, except on Rushnight.
5. Any entity who is bound by and/or a party to this contract is obligated
to transfer all of their Assets to Charles and automatically does so if
6. For the purposes of this contract, "Assets" are defined as follows:
B Nomic Mackerel
Agoran Marks
Flainian Pobble Beads
United States Federal Reserve Notes
United States Treasury Bills}}

Note: This gets around 4E70 by making joining dependent on performance of a
voluntary action, sending message to a mailing list.
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