Tyler on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 00:38:46 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Is Charles MoL?

I submit the following Consultation:
{{ Is Charles currently the Minister of Law?
Unbeliever: Charles
Reasoning: Proposal 379, which passed, quote, "Set the Powers of 'Rule
Powers and Precedence' and 'In Case of Emergency' to 1.
Charles did not display these Powers, (as of the submission of
this Consultation) but displayed that all rules were 1/2 (unless otherwise
specified), on the Rules page.
I submitted a transaction (August 16) that removed him from the MoL on
August 18, on the condition that he had not fulfilled his obligation (and
that he held the ministry).
/* Let's see how far this will go. I'm guessing it goes FALSE. But the
ball's in your court Charles. */
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