Charles Schaefer on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 16:08:38 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] I submit the following Baby Blue proposal titled "No More Nth Round Ballots"

Replace the entire text of Rule 4E0 with:

{{For the purposes of this rule, the term "Potential Emergency Participant"
(or PEP) shall mean each of the current players of the game as defined by
other rules. However, if who the current players are in the game is unclear,
uncertain, or ambiguous, or if there are less than four such players, then
it shall instead mean who the players were before such uncertainty or drop
in player count.

Each PEP has a Mental State, which is exactly one of Calm (default) or
Paranoid. Mental States can only change as explicitly described by this

A PEP can set his Mental State by posting a message to a Public Forum (or
any forum that was a Public Forum within the past month) stating that he
does so, and specifying his new Mental State.

If at least four PEPs are Paranoid, B Nomic becomes in a State Of Emergency.
When this occurs, the following Procedure happens:

1. Game time is stopped. Whatever means used in the Game to track time is
stopped as of the beginning of the Emergency. Pending events and deadlines
relative to Game time, with the exception of those specified in this rule,
are postponed until Game time resumes. Pending events and deadlines with
absolute dates and times do not occur.

2. The PEP who most recently held the Minister of Ministries becomes the
Emergency Coordinator.

3. The Emergency Coordinator shall designate a means for PEPs to communicate
as the Emergency Forum and make a reasonable effort to notify other PEPs
about the Forum's existence. If the Emergency Coordinator fails to do either
of these within 24 hours, any PEP can designate an Emergency Forum if he
notifies the other PEPs of its existence. The Emergency Forum must be
reasonably accessible to all PEPs.

4. The Emergency Coordinator shall make a statement to the Emergency Forum
that he is initializing the Pause. If he fails to do so within 24 hours, any
PEP can do so instead. The Procedure tracks time spent using the Pause. When
the the pause is initialized it is zero. Thereafter, until the completion of
the Procedure, the Pause is increased by one each day at 00:00:00 UTC. Once
per day, the Emergency Coordinator may announce to the Emergency forum their
intention to increment the pause. If no PEP voices objection to this action
on the Emergency Forum within 24 hours, then the value of the Pause is
incremented by one. If, at any time, the Pause has been initialized but has
not been incremented in the last 48 hours, it is incremented by one.

5. At any time before the value of the pause is 5, each PEP may submit a
Refresh Proposal, aimed at either resuming or ending the Game, and may
revise or withdraw his own Refresh Proposal, via the Emergency Forum. A
Refresh Proposal consists of a list of changes which may affect any aspect
of the Game or the state of the Game, including, but not limited to: rules,
scores or other player attributes, the valid list of players, current
holders of any Ministries, the legitimacy and/or actuality of any action
taken in the context of the Game, etc.

6. When the value of the Pause is 5, any PEP can, and the Emergency
Coordinator shall, gather all submitted Refresh Proposals into a Ballot and
publish it.

7. Each PEP may cast a single Ballot by announcing it via the Emergency
Forum. This Ballot shall rank some (or all) of the Refresh Proposals in
order of preference, with the most-preferred alternative being ranked first,
and less-preferred alternatives being given subsequently higher integers.
8. When the value of the Pause is 7, any PEP can, and the Emergency
Coordinator shall, tally the votes in the following manner:
- All Ballots are counted as one vote for the top choice given that has not
been eliminated. If all ranked candidates on a Ballot have been eliminated,
that Ballot is discarded and not counted in future rounds of voting.
- If a Refresh Proposal holds a majority of the votes, that Refresh Proposal
is selected and the Procedure moves to Step 9.
- If not, The Refresh Proposal with the fewest votes is eliminated. In case
of a tie for having the fewest votes, one RP is selected at random from
among the tied options and eliminated.

9. All changes listed in the selected Refresh Proposal occur, implemented by
the Emergency Coordinator as needed. All PEPs become Calm.

If all current Emergency Procedures have been running for 14 days or more,
any PEP can initiate another one, to run independently of the current one.
This Emergency Procedure will start at step 3, and the PEP that initiated it
will be the Emergency Coordinator.

If, at any point during the State of Emergency, there are less than four
Paranoid PEPs, all running Emergency Procedures stop and B Nomic stops being
in a State of Emergency, and normal Game time resumes.

At the beginning of Mulberry, nday 3, any PEPs who are Paranoid become Calm
if, and only if, the value of the Threat Flag is Pink Ponies.}}
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