Jamie Dallaire on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 11:32:39 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] [s-d] Proposal: No Rocks Being Thrown, But Need Bodyguards

On Jan 27, 2008 1:24 PM, Justin Ahmann <quesmarktion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Can you cease to be a Bodyguard?

Yeah, I forgot that part, actually ;-)

Also the part about Bodyguards not having Bodyguards. Because If I'm your
bodyguard and you're my bodyguard, and someone stabs me... what happens?

I revise the Proposal called "No Rocks Being Thrown, But Need Bodyguards":

> {
> [[these are not being used and the level 7 bit is wholly inappropriate now
> that we have more points]]
> The Blueprint named "Riot Corps" ceases to exist.
> The Blueprint named "Intifada" ceases to exist.
> Any device or devices named "Plexiglass Wall" cease to exist.
> Any device or devices named "Rock" cease to exist.
> [[just to make some references more convenient...]]
> In Rule 4E24 (RPG), add a paragraph that reads:
> {
> The word "damage" is synonymous with the loss of one Hit Point. Thus, for
> example, "dealing someone 3 damage" means causing him to lose 3 Hit
> Points,
> while "taking 1 damage" means losing 1 Hit Point.
> }
> Create a new Rule, named "Bodyguards", that reads:
> {{
> There is a List Attribute "Bodyguards" with a scope of all Players who are
> Alive, a range of all Active Players who are not Dead, a MinLength of 0, a
> MaxLength of the number of Active Player who are not Dead minus one, and a
> default value of {}.
> A Player whose name is an Article in another Player's Bodyguards List
> Attribute may be referred to as that Player's Bodyguard. A Player who is
> not
> Dead may, as a Game Action, become a Bodyguard of another Player who is
> Alive. A Player with a Bodyguards List Attribute that is not a null set is
> said to have a Bodyguard or Bodyguards.
> In any given rday, 1 damage dealt to a Player is instead taken by the
> rightmost Bodyguard in his Bodyguards List Attribute. The next damage
> dealt
> to that Player is taken by the next Bodyguard to the left and so on, until
> each of his Bodyguards have received 1 damage. Only subsequent damage
> during the same rday is taken by the Player in question.

A Player may cease to be a Bodyguard as a Game Action, by becoming Dead, by
ceasing to be a Player, or when the Player for whom he is a Bodyguard
becomes Dead.

A Bodyguard may not have a Bodyguard.

> }}
> Dependency: Proposal 326
> }
> Billy Pilgrim
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