comex on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 13:33:24 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Proposal: Zombies, Part I

I submit a proposal titled "Zombies, Part I":
Conflicts: "quick RTO fix"
Any object can have Points, although only players can win, as Victors are 
defined in rule 2-3 as being players.

I think the second sentence ("Points may not be awarded...") is redundant.  
The third as well, since points are objects, not numbers, and how can a 
player have less than zero of an object?
Replace rule 2-4 with:
Any Game Object may have points. Points are Game Objects. The number of points 
an object possesses may also be referred to as that object's "score."  An 
object's score cannot be less than zero.

Players are RTOs, and other RTOs won't spontaneously take game actions, but 
player-like RTOs can also be legislated.

Throughout rule 4-1, rule 4-2, and rule 4-4 [[not rule 4-5]], replace "player" 
with "RTO", changing articles (a, an) as necessary.

Replace the second sentence of the second paragraph in rule 4-2 with:
Its scope is all RTO's. 
In rule 4-2, change the first sentence after {{[[GAME ACTIONS - GRAB/DROP]]}} 
An RTO may make a "rule tag grab" rule tag action on an RTO that is in the 
same RTL as it and without the property "Standing".   
Append to the first paragraph of rule 4-2:
All players have the property "Standing" and are RTOs.

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