David E. Smith on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 08:30:52 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] wtf

I revise my proposal "wtf" thusly:

Replace the first paragraph of the proposed rule with the following:

In addition to any other votes a player may cast, a player may also be  
eligible to cast a "WTF" vote. A player may only cast one WTF vote per  
ballot, and may not cast a WTF vote on any two consecutive ballots.

A "WTF" vote is exclusive of all other votes; i.e. a player may not  
cast both an AGAINST vote and a WTF vote on the same ballot issue.

[[ limiting it to once every two voting periods will hopefully deter  
the most obvious abuses, since it's wise to save it for the most  
screwed-up of the screwed-up props ]]

[[ If any of the objects or properties props end up passing, I may  
rewrite this into some sort of magical voting token prop or something,  
dunno ]]


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