shadowfirebird on Wed, 6 Dec 2006 09:45:26 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Amended proposal "the rot sets in"

Amended proposal "The Rot Sets In":

Create a new rule titled "voting power":
Every player has a "voting power".  This is a non-negative integer.
New players get a voting power of 5.

Give each existing player a voting power of 5.

Replace rule 2-2 with:
As a Game Action, players may submit a Proposal. Proposals are Game
Documents that list changes to be made to the game. Proposals may have
a Name. A Proposal is in one of the states of Pending, Open, and
Historical. A Proposal is initially Pending.

Proposals automatically gain a Proposal Number upon submission. For
each new Proposal, the Proposal Number shall be equal to 001, or if
such Number is already in use, to the greatest existing Proposal
Number incremented by one.

The Player who submitted a proposal that is Pending may revise its
body of text and/or Name by resubmitting it.

At the beginning of nday 9 of each nweek, all Pending Proposals become Open.

As a Game Action, a Player may submit a Vote on an Open Proposal of
one of the words FOR, AGAINST, or ABSTAIN, and a nonnegative integer
called the vote's Strength. The most recent Vote on a Proposal by a
Player is called that player's Final Vote on that Proposal.  [[an
ABSTAIN of 0 is the same as an ABSTAIN of 999.]]

A player may not submit a vote if it would cause the sum of the
strengths of all eir votes on current Open Proposals to exceed eir
voting power.  [[If there are five proposals and you have four votes,
you are going to have to abstain on at least one proposal.]]

At the end of nday 12 of each nweek, all Open Proposals become
Historical in succession, from the one with the smallest Proposal
Number to the one with the greatest.

When a Proposal becomes Historical, if the sum of the strengths of all
the FOR final votes on it exceeds the sum of the strengths of all
AGAINST final votes on it, the proposal passes.

When a Proposal Passes, its list of changes to the game occur.

Create a new rule titled "Vote Bank":
There is a voting object called the "Bob the Evil Voting Fish".  It is
eligable to vote wherever voting is called for.  It has a voting
power, just as if it were a player.  It can also be referred to as
"the vote bank", or "Bob".

Bob will start with a number of votes equal to five times the number
of players.

Bob will vote as follows.  First, it will work out how it would vote
on each proposal:

1) If the proposal would result in a repeal or amendment to this rule,
or refers to this rule by number or name, or refers to any player,
then it will theoretically vote AGAINST.  In this rule these are
called "against proposals".

2) Otherwise, if the proposal either creates a mechanism for
transferring votes between objects, or creates a new voting object;
and if the proposal does not actually transfer any votes, it will
theoretically vote FOR.  In this rule these are called "for

Next, Bob will decide how to use its voting power:

1) If there are for proposals and against proposals, then Bob will
vote FOR on the for proposal with the highest proposal number with a
strength equal to half Bob's voting power; and AGAINST on the against
proposal with the highest voting number with a strength equal to half
Bob's voting power.  Round down.

2) Otherwise, if there are only for proposals then it will vote FOR on
the for proposal with the highest proposal number with a strength
equal to its voting power.

3) Otherwise, if there are only against proposals then it will vote
AGAINST on the against proposal with the highest proposal number with
a strength equal to its voting power.

4) On all other proposals Bob will ABSTAIN.

For the purposes of this rule a proposal includes any proposals nested
withing it, or created by it without a further vote.  The
Administrator will have the final say on whether a proposal is a for
proposal or an against proposal; e may delegate this decision through
the RFJ process.

Should a for proposal pass, the Bob will give two votes to the player
that proposed it. Players are paid in proposal number order.

Should the vote bank reach 0 votes, this rule will repeal itself.
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