bd on Tue, 5 Dec 2006 14:18:37 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] [s-d] And now for something completely different

shadowfirebird@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

>> If it does not possess one, one is created immediately.
> Which it?  One what?  ...Maybe I'm confused enough already.  Can we
> maybe skip over explaining this bit and come to it later?

This clearly refers to it=each element and one=an instance, but I'll 
amend for clarity.

>> If a Game Object outside the Scope of an Attribute possesses an Instance of
>> that Attribute, the Instance in question is destroyed immediately.
> Destroyed?  Oh, wait.  But an instance isn't a game object.  An
> attribute is a game object.  Can you destroy something that's not a
> game object?  If it's not a game object does it even exist?    ...I
> think maybe I want to skip this part too.

I think it might be implied, but I'll amend to clarify that.

>> For brevity, the value of an instance of an attribute of some object may
>> be referred to as the value of that attribute on the object in question.
> Um, brevity, right.   Say, you at the back there!  Can you make any
> sense out of this.....?!
My goal was to make it as airtight as possible from any loopholes. The 
core take-away is:

You've got attributes. They apply to groups of objects (the attribute's 
"scope") - e.g, "all players", "all blue frogs", etc. Each has a default 
value and a range of possible values.

Each object in the scope of an attribute has a instance of the attribute 
(which you'll probably never refer to directly). The instance is what 
holds the associated value, which needs to be in the range.

The final bit means we can say things like "the value of Bob's score 
attribute". I'll allow even more shortening if anyone can suggest a 
non-ambiguous way of allowing that.

I amend p29 to read as follows:

Amend rule 1-14 to read as follows:

An Attribute is a game object, defined in the rules.  Each Attribute has
a Scope, a Range, and a Default Value.  The Scope is a set of Game
Objects to which the Attribute applies.  The Range is the set of
possible values for the Attribute.  The Default Value is an element of
the Range.

Each element of the Scope of an Attribute possesses an Instance of that 
Attribute. If the element in question does not possess such an Instance, 
one is created immediately. If a Game Object outside the Scope of an 
Attribute possesses an Instance of that Attribute, the Instance in 
question is destroyed immediately.

Instances of an Attribute are Game Objects which have a Value. The Value 
of an Attribute must be a member of the Range of the Attribute. When 
created, the Value of an Instance is its Attribute's Default Value, 
unless otherwise specified.

For brevity, the value of an instance of an attribute of some object may
be referred to as the value of that attribute on the object in question.

The Scope, Range, and Default Value of Attributes are static and defined
in the Rules.  The Value of Instances of Attributes can be changed only
as specified in the Rules.

[[ Incidentally, what would people think about something like:

The Value of Instances of some Attribute 'A' is an Attribute with a 
Scope of all Instances of Attribute 'A', a Range equal to the Range of 
Attribute 'A', and a Default Value equal to the Default Value of 
Attribute 'A'.



[[ Actually, do we need to define properties and attributes? It seems 
there wasn't an explicit definition in the First Era... ]]
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