Peter Cooper Jr. on Thu, 6 Jan 2005 21:55:41 -0600 (CST)

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[s-b] Re: Board Move

Jeremy Cook <athena@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Okay, the Ministry Update is up-to-date. Only Board and Change
> have no nominations (if they're open, the Adept does them).

Hmm. Well, if I'm likely to get stuck with them anyway, I might as
well officially hold the position and get the Ministerial Payment for
them. I have to wonder what would happen if I hadn't joined this nweek
and nobody else signed up :). Hopefully, I won't get hit by a truck.

I nominate myself for the Ministries of Board and Change, and accept
my nomination.

If anyone runs against me for either of them, I'll vote for you for
it. :) Neither one seems too strenuous on its own, and you don't have
all the other ones I signed up for.

Peter C.
"The dinosaur track shall be the fossil or fossil emblem of the
		-- Mass. General Law, Chapter 2, Section 17.

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