Araltaln on Mon, 21 Jun 2004 19:36:20 -0500 (CDT)

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[Spoon-business] A few actions

I'm going to object to the statement that there are no Tildex in existance; rule 21 gives new players 500~ and proposal 1840 gave current players 500~. If there's currently any non-Administrator ministers (where's Kurt Godel's list?), they may have been paid as well. In any event, the only available public display I could find lists everyone as possessing 500~.

I'll give Teucer 50~ to acquire his Voting Token (probably serial number 12).

I won't claim the chocolate eclair Beer, as the rules never reference it at all.

I will attempt to claim the chocolate eclair Entropy, though, as 154.B.2, 625.A.3, 1081.A.5, 1081.A.7, and 1251 still refer to it, but no rule defines it. It's not exactly an object, but then the rules never say it's not an object.

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