Zarpint Jeremy Cook on 30 Jan 2004 19:45:57 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] NWEEK 56 RESULTS

I make the following CFI:

Statement: A CFI with only one label "Statement" consists of only one
statement, which may contain many clauses and sentences, regardless of
how any part of this statement is numbered, and thus is a valid CFI with
interpretation equivalent to the conjunction, using logical and, of
each clause, sentence, or part, unless otherwise specified clearly.

Defendant: The Admin

Argument: The use of the singular official term "Statement" indicates that
formally, there is only one statement. Many previous CFIs have probably been
of forms like "X and Y are Foo" or "Z is Bar and Baz" or "Q is not only Spam,
but Eggs when R is L". I'm not going to look them up, but surely it is clear
that not every CFI has been a single clause, nor would we want only such simple
and limiting CFIs.

My argument is that there is no difference between "X is Y and Z is W" and
"X is Y. Z is W." When one makes a claim, it is not always contained within
a single sentence, and it is understood, unless otherwise specified, that
one is claiming that everything one is saying is true. Consider a financial
statement. When presenting this as true, one is claiming that each individual
item on the statement, e.g.,  "5 Walrus Tusk Removers purchased at $25.75
each", "100 Roses purchased at $0.25 each", "Six Small European Countries
sold at $17.95 each", is accurate. It makes sense for B Nomic CFIs, or
any statement, to be allowed to have multiple parts and to treat them such.

Numbering also makes no difference. In my CFI, I was not numbering the
statements, I was numbering the individual components of a single statement.
The meaning is no different, but the statements are punctuated differently.
Not only do the rules have no provision for such punctuational differences,
such provisions would be harmful to the game as they would limit the way
players can express ideas.

Zarpint            "All thy toiling only breeds new dreams, new dreams;
Jeremy Cook         there is no truth saving in thine own heart."
mcfoufou@xxxxxxxxx       --W.B. Yeats, The Song of the Happy Shepherd
grep -r kibo /     "Movements are the problem, not the answer to problems."
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