Orc In A Spacesuit on 23 Oct 2002 19:52:16 -0000

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[Spoon-business] preemtive corrections

It looks like no one has anything to say so far about the 2nd version of my societies/corporations prop, including the one guy who has said the most in the past, so it looks like I may have found a good version.
I just have a few corrections corrections to make, due to copy/paste and 
forgetfulness, and I want to go ahead and state them so nobody else has to:
In the second line of both rules, in defining Dependent Entities, it should 
say 'Societies that have at least one Member that is a Dependent Entity' or 
something like that.
Change 'ecouraged' to 'empowered and encouraged'.

I also need to make the Owners and Mission Statements publicly available.

I should (redundantly, I think) empower both Societies and Corporations to state things. (So the Society "The Evil Court" can state it's corporation "Evil Industries" does stuff, etc.)
At the end of Section E of Societies (about leaving and destruction), I 
didn't finish a sentence that is supposed to destroy club props when a 
society is destroyed, unless stated otherwise.
Orc In A Spacesuit
thinks Sheep Gnomes taste good.

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