Orc In A Spacesuit on 23 Oct 2002 19:07:06 -0000

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[Spoon-business] CFI statements

About Glotmorf's ruling on the tea/coffee CFI's:
I expected as much. Good thing the CFI's don't actually allow people to get these cups. And until a CFI is ruled TRUE that does, people can't get them, cause that's the status now.
About Glotmorf's 'it was illegal to CFI' CFI:
No, it wasn't illegal. The way I see it, if your general idea is correct, is that people can make all the CFI's they want, but It nullifies them. Or can, anyway. Whether or not it actually does I'm not going to argue; I'm just saying that it's legal for people to make them.
About BvS's Destroy It CFI:
It has not been given a location, just like rules and CFI's and points do not have a Location. Defining a Location for it is a change in game state. Therefore, it can't be done, according to rule 152.
Another seperate argument is that dissolving something does not destroy it.  
If sugar dissolves in water, it's still there; it's just mixed with the 
Yet another argument is that just becuase if you look at it right, it CAN be 
a Black Hole Bonus Box, doesn't make it a Black Hole Bonus Box.
Just because something has tires (a characteristic of cars) does not make it 
a car.
I don't know why BvS named me defendant; I would like to see It gone.  But 
gosh darnit, I'm going to to defend it.
Orc In A Spacesuit
is off to the the only class he didn't completly miss today because of sleeping in.
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