Michael Gorman on Thu, 25 Mar 2004 10:21:19 -0600 (CST)

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RE: [eia] potential replacement

At 07:46 AM 3/25/2004 -0600, you wrote:

First, I'm happy to be here, and thanks for the invitation.

Second, I'd be fine with picking up where the game currently is, but my
preference would be to start over.  My proposal is that if anyone feels
strongly one way or the other, make that opinion known, and I'll be
happy to accommodate.  In lieu of particularly strong feelings by
anyone, I think the best thing to do is vote.  If a majority vote is
agreeable to everyone, I'll cast mine to start over.

I'd pretty well expected you to prefer to start over rather than inheriting a country in a tough spot victory point wise and in the midst of a war with Napoleon that just turned sour. Not exactly a sterling place to jump in.

As this is our second player replacement, I think it'd be reasonable to start things over and put everyone back on an even footing. We've had enough reworking and learning of the rules lately that a restart on those grounds is also probably reasonable.


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