D Mount on Thu, 25 Mar 2004 13:02:13 -0600 (CST)

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RE: [eia] potential replacement

I would also vote for a restart.

Michael Gorman <mpgorman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
At 07:46 AM 3/25/2004 -0600, you wrote:
>First, I'm happy to be here, and thanks for the invitation.
>Second, I'd be fine with picking up where the game currently is, but my
>preference would be to start over. My proposal is that if anyone feels
>strongly one way or the other, make that opinion known, and I'll be
>happy to accommodate. In lieu of particularly strong feelings by
>anyone, I think the best thing to do is vote. If a majority vote is
>agreeable to everyone, I'll cast mine to start over.
I'd pretty well expected you to prefer to start over rather than inheriting 
a country in a tough spot victory point wise and in the midst of a war with 
Napoleon that just turned sour. Not exactly a sterling place to jump in.

As this is our second player replacement, I think it'd be reasonable to 
start things over and put everyone back on an even footing. We've had 
enough reworking and learning of the rules lately that a restart on those 
grounds is also probably reasonable.


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