Craig Daniel on Wed, 28 Jul 2010 20:53:47 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] CFI - I am named uniquely

On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 11:50 PM, Jeff Gitchel <gitchel@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> CFI - my name is unique despite attempts of other player(s) to make it non-unique.
> Argument: the state of my once-unique name does not change due to the actions of other players. Players who change or adopt
> names after my name is unique can only determine their own name's uniqueness by comparison to already existing unique
> names, and are successful in choosing their own unique names when both their name and mine are unique. If their name is non-
> unique in comparison to my name, then they have failed to choose a unique name, but mine therefore must remain unique.

This argument trivially correct if you buy the assumption that
attempts to choose a non-unique name fail. In actuality, attempts to
change one's name to something non-unique are ineffective, but the
rule stating that we select names upon registering does not require
said names to be unique. The only relevant requirement affecting
players joining the game is that per rule 2 they must have unique
names, not that they must not also have non-unique ones.

The onus is clearly on you to have a unique name. You can do that any
time you like.
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