Mike McGann on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 15:56:08 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Proposal: Bureaucracy of Bureaucracies

> Hmm. It might bog things down, but I expect that most players will
> immediately buy Tinfoil Hats, rendering this moot anyway. It'll
> become useful again once someone invents a device to remove
> somebody's hat.

Actually, I expect all players to buy Stun Guns immediately. Nobody
can afford the Tinfoil hat. With the remaining three, the Stun Gun is
a permanent item while the Capsule and Duplicator is a disposable
item. And with no actual way to currently obtain more mackerel, why
buy one grenade when you can by a gun that never runs out of ammo.

I have some more comments on the amendment sections, but I'll add that
to the other thread.

- Hose
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