Phil Ulrich on Thu, 23 Dec 2004 02:43:02 -0600 (CST)

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[s-d] Re: [s-b] Ultima Loophole! (v2.0)

I create a new Society called Conpircy 2 with the
following charter.
If a Rule applies for membership then it becomes a
I then create a new nomic called Loophole 2 with one
rule: "Dyslexic Q-Thief may change the gamestate"

Then the rule of Loophole 2 applies for membership in
Conspircy 2 and it is accepted. Then with the power of
Loophole 2's rule I make the following changes to the

That's great. Regardless, it fails, because there is no society called Conspircy 2 (there is, however, one called Conpircy 2).

It pays to be picky periodically.


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