Daniel Lepage on Thu, 1 Jul 2004 22:24:21 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Re:The Direct Approach.

On Jul 1, 2004, at 7.18 PM, Araltaln wrote:

My point is, while an automated system would work great for ruleset changes, it would take a good deal of work to create one that would be great for gamestate changes. Not, mind you, that at least having an automated way to deal with the simple cases is a bad thing, but we probably need to start with a method that has players in charge of everything, and automate from there. Which, come to think of it, you said anyway, bd. So I'm not sure what my point is, just that I have one.

I was imagining something that would only automate changes to the ruleset itself; a proposal that required other actions would simply list them at the end, and the various ministers and duty-fillers would take care of it.
So a prop might say:
__The World in Black and White__

There exists an object called the Chessboard. The Chessboard consists of a 20x20 grid of Squares, each of which may hold one Piece.

AMEND r27 {{
REPLACE {{ If a player's score equals or exceeds 1000 points, that player is immediately awarded a Win. }} {{ If a player possess 2.8?? or more, that player is immediately awarded a Win. }}
 C. The Circuit Breaker
The following rule is created immediately after any player is awarded a Win:

 {{ __No Win For You__ {* Win, 9 *}
 Players may not win.

 This rule may not be repealed within an nweek of its creation.

DO {{
Give each player 5 points.
Set the Clock to nweek 2, nday 11.
Set each player's entropy to 0.

And that would be the prop. The script would look at this, read in the REPEAL, CREATE, and AMEND blocks, performing the appropriate changes, and then would, say, send a message to the public forum listing the contents of all DO blocks from passed props; we'd then send a Roster Minister/Roster Duty-filler to tweak the scores and entropies, while somebody else reset the clock.


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