Joel Uckelman on 12 Feb 2001 21:08:29 -0000

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Re: spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: A proposal by the newbie

Quoth Jorg Rathlev:
> Hi!


> > someone should point out to me where in the Rules it says you
> > have to be a
> > Player to make a Motion to Add. As far as I can tell, you don't
> > need to be
> > a Player to make Motions, and R210/2 doesn't add any restrictions to that.
> Ok, then I make the following motion, subject to 3-day unanimous consent:
> --
> Add the person with the real name Jorg Rathlev [[ that's me :-) ]] as a
> Player, named "Jorg".
> --


> Concerning PurpleBob's idea, I think it's a good idea to shorten the time,
> but can you really assume "consent" within only one day? Someone might not
> be reading the mailing list on that particular day. I hope that you don't
> try to keep new players from joining (guess why :-)), but still...

Possibly two days would be better. The main reason I think we need some 
check on adding new Players is so we can stop an attempt at a "hostile 
takeover" of the game, should such a situation arise.
> What about this: If someone makes a motion to be added as a player, he is
> added as a "newbie player" immediately and becomes a regular player after
> three days unless someone disagrees.
> Here's my proposal (title: "Newbie Players"):
> --
> Change the title of rule 210 to "Becoming a Player" and the the content to:
> Any Agent otherwise qualified as a Player may become a Newbie Player by
> publicly announcing that e wishes to become a Player. A Newbie Player will
> automatically become a Player if no eligible voter objects within a three
> day period.
> If any eligible voter objects within that period, the Administrator shall
> create a Primary [[or Secondary?]] Approvabe Motion to add the Agent as a
> Player, and the Agent shall stay a Newbie Player until the end of the next
> voting period, after which e will become a Player if the motion to add em is
> adopted. If the motion is not adopted, e will lose eir status as a Newbie
> Player.
> Newbie Players shall be treated like regular Players, with the exception
> that they cannot become Officers or Judges.
> --
> I think I didn't really get the difference between a primary and a secondary
> motion, could someone please explain it to me? Thanks!

Sure. Each sort of Primary Motion has its own numbering scheme, while all 
Secondary Motions are numbered together. At present, Proposals are the only 
Primary Motions. If Foo were also Primary Motions, they would be numbered 
independently of the Proposals, e.g., F1, F2, ... Fn. In contrast, M11 and 
M13 are totally different types of Motions (Add and Remove). This is mostly 
for my convenience in keeping records.

> (PurpleBob: sorry this one conflicts with your proposal :-(, by the way,
> what happens if both are adopted?)

Your Proposal will have a higher number than PurpleBob's, but his doesn't 
modify R210, so we'd have two conflicting Rules. It would likely become a 
matter for the courts. If I were deciding the case, I would probably give 
priority to the more recently altered Rule, which would be R210, since the 
effects of Props adopted at the same time are executed in order by Prop 
number, from least to greatest.

Hmmm. A second thing just occurred to me, namely that Players *used* to be 
the only entities that could make Motions. I think I'll propose something 
to tweak that a little...
