Rob Speer on 14 Mar 2002 06:41:13 -0000

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Re: spoon-business: Ballot, nweek 9

NUH-UH > Proposal 429/2: Izing on the Cake (Glotmorf)
YUP > Proposal 431/2: Blip... Blip... (Wonko)
YUP > Proposal 432/3: Literary Criticism (Wonko)
YUP > Proposal 433/3: They're Everywhere! Part 2 (Wonko)
NUH-UH > Proposal 434/2: Run, Run, As Fast As You Can! v2.0 (Wonko)
YUP > Proposal 435/0: Roller Gremlin (The Voice)
NUH-UH > Proposal 445/0: You're STILL a Blowhard! (The Voice)
YUP > Proposal 446/0: Ohh, one of those "funky" windows... (The Voice)
YUP > Proposal 448/2: Respect doesn't pay (Wonko)
NUH-UH > Proposal 449/0: A little Wiggle room (Wonko)
[[ Huw ubt ulluwung ngtv chutzph nstud? ]]

YUP > Proposal 451/2: A Chilly Prospect (Wonko)
[[ But t'd ulsu b gud f thu Wthr wus fxd s tht squrs cn b fruzn
fr u whul bfr multng. ]]

YUP > Proposal 452/2: Burn, baby, Burn! (Wonko)
NUH-UH > Proposal 453/2: Anthologies (Wonko)
YUP > Proposal 454/0: Earth (Congenital Optimist)
NUH-UH > Proposal 455/1: Like a fridge. (Uncle Psychosis)
YUP > Proposal 456/0: Respect (Wonko)
NUH-UH > Proposal 457/1: Continued Next Nweek... (Glotmorf)
[[ Pur slf-ntrust, bcuz dun't hv tm tu wrut tuns uf stuff. ]]

YUP > Proposal 458/0: How Far Will a Good Name and a Pretty Face Take You?
YUP! > Proposal 461/1: Cleaning Up My Own Damn Mess (The Administrator)
YUP > Proposal 463/0: Piddling on the Fire of the Gods (Glotmorf)

Rb Spr