Justin Ahmann on Sun, 10 May 2015 13:11:37 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] Welcoming more new players!

To be honest, my preferred identifier is "Codae".  It was just harder to slip that into a message innocuously than "incipitorial".

On Sat, 5/9/15, Peter Cooper Jr. <pete@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [s-d] Welcoming more new players!
 To: "discussion list for B Nomic" <spoon-discuss@xxxxxxxxx>
 Date: Saturday, May 9, 2015, 4:58 PM
 On May 9, 2015, at 7:03
 PM, Justin Ahmann <quesmarktion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 > I object, on the grounds that
 the uniquely identifying name I wish to be known by
 contained in my earlier message is "incipitorial",
 not "Justin Ahmann".  The latter is not uniquely
 Wow, Rule 1-4 is
 really terribly worded the more I look at it. (And the more
 everybody seems to be playing with it.) I was originally
 tempted to rule that per Rule 1-9’s "E must also
 specify any targets and/or parameters necessary for that
 action” that since the uniquely identifying name wasn’t
 clearly specified that it didn’t take effect, but I
 decided that in the absence of anything else to just use
 your From header, as it’s a clear identifying name that
 wasn’t previously used and was a part of your message. Now
 I’m wishing I did rule the other way and disallow it. But
 now that I look at it more, one would need to twist it
 really hard to see the joining allowed by Rule 1-4 as a Game
 Action in the sense described by Rule 1-9.
 In the meantime, I think I’m
 going to just stand by what I originally did, as in the face
 of ambiguity I’ll just pick something that seems
 reasonable at the time. (And anybody else is welcome to the
 role of Administrator if they really want it.)
 I’ll be happy to submit a
 Tweak to set your name to whatever you actually want it to
 be, however.
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