Elliott Hird on Thu, 1 Mar 2012 15:54:02 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] New Player and Suggestion

On 1 March 2012 22:51, Rainbow Wolfe <rainbowdreamwolf@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Well it seems that everyone is complaining that the game was actually
> locked 3 eons ago when the clock got stuck and no one noticed. Why not use
> "windows restore" and go back to the last known point the game was working,
> start the clock and continue.

Because B is platonist. That's not continuing the same game, that's
starting a new game without anay creativity.

> If you are locked by the rules then you either better get creative, or
> realize that the rules can (generally) be bypassed. That's why Suber had
> the rule that all players must follow the rules.. even if that IS a rule,
> it can be broken.
> Think outside the box and get the game back on track if people are still
> interested and have time.

All this would apply -- in a nomic with a very different philosophy to
latter-day B.
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