Jeff Gitchel on Wed, 28 Jul 2010 20:58:10 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] CFI - I am named uniquely

Nonetheless, once having chosen an unique name, I have a unique name. Actions taken by another player cannot change the fact that I complied with the rules by having a unique name.

My name is unique. Even if you do successfully chose a name that is identical (not true in this case) then I still have my unique name.  

Jeff Gitchel
twitter: gitchel

On 28/07/2010, at 22:53, Craig Daniel <teucer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 11:50 PM, Jeff Gitchel <gitchel@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> CFI - my name is unique despite attempts of other player(s) to make it non-unique.
>> Argument: the state of my once-unique name does not change due to the actions of other players. Players who change or adopt
>> names after my name is unique can only determine their own name's uniqueness by comparison to already existing unique
>> names, and are successful in choosing their own unique names when both their name and mine are unique. If their name is non-
>> unique in comparison to my name, then they have failed to choose a unique name, but mine therefore must remain unique.
> This argument trivially correct if you buy the assumption that
> attempts to choose a non-unique name fail. In actuality, attempts to
> change one's name to something non-unique are ineffective, but the
> rule stating that we select names upon registering does not require
> said names to be unique. The only relevant requirement affecting
> players joining the game is that per rule 2 they must have unique
> names, not that they must not also have non-unique ones.
> The onus is clearly on you to have a unique name. You can do that any
> time you like.
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