Jeff Gitchel on Sun, 4 Jul 2010 18:09:53 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] [Oracle] CFI 119

On 4/07/2010, at 18:32, Ed Murphy <emurphy42@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Gitchel wrote:
>> Proposal: the last paragraph of rule 69 is changed from:
>> If no Mentor is available when a request for a Mentor is made, or no Mentor is available to become a NewbieÂfs Mentor, that Newbie gains 5 Points.
>> To:
>> If no Mentor is available when a request for a Mentor is made, or no eligible Player  is available to become a NewbieÂfs Mentor, that Newbie gains 5 Points.
> FYI there's already at least one proposal already in the works to fix
> various issues with Rule 69.
> _______________________________________________

I knew that. But I like mine better. It was simile and to the point. In fact I think I saw another point. There is no one to assign mentors, and no way to know who is available or chosen.

I tune and modify:
Proposal: the last paragraph of rule 69 is changed from:

If no Mentor is available when a request for a Mentor is made, or no Mentor is available to become a NewbieÂfs Mentor, that Newbie gains 5 Points.


If no Mentor is available when a request for a Mentor is made, or no eligible Player  is available to become a NewbieÂ's Mentor, that Newbie gains 5 Points. Assignments of Players to Mentorship should be made by the Registrar within 3 ndays of a Newbie's request for a Mentor, and should regard multiple requests for a Mentor from a Newbie that occur within 3 ndays of the first request by that Newbie. The Registrar shall maintain a roster of which Players are eligible to be Mentors, which Players are Mentors, who a Mentor is Mentor to, and which Newbies are available to become Mentees and the time period of their Newbiehood.  

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