Craig Daniel on Thu, 1 Jul 2010 21:08:03 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Leave and a Proposal

On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 11:58 PM, Gabriel Vistica <gvistica@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> But there's a pending CFI on the matter of whether you can un-Leave yourself, so we'll find out soon enough.
> Oops. Newbie mistake. Also, I forgot that another proposal had already been submitted that essentially dealt with the issue, so if my
> proposal actually becomes valid, consider it withdrawn.

Oh no, no mistake. The absolute best way (at least in my humble
opinion) to handle matters where the rules are less than clear is to
pick the credible interpretation you want to have be true and plow
ahead on the assumption that it is, letting the judiciary figure out
what to do about it afterwards.

Warning: this can create situations where you turn out to have been
wrong all along and some of what you did is stupid.

Other warning: this can create multiple different versions of the
nomic universe which are *radically* different from one another and
sometimes in ways that make it difficult to impossible to tell what
happened for real. If one version is highly unlikely but not actually
proven false, most often because the judgement that it is false is
only valid if it is, then that version is known as a "Woobleverse."
These can be kind of awesome, but generally the woobleverse version is
unlikely enough that we all just ignore it and get on with what's
really going on.

 - teucer
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