Jamie Dallaire on Sat, 21 Feb 2009 10:03:29 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] About A Nomic

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 4:50 PM, Cassie Bayer <kisse.bnomic@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:

> I would hold that the rule should be rewritten, as "is equivalent in
> intelligence to a human".  This would explicitly make the statement a
> tautology for a human.

Using the phrase "a human" would, I think, open up the door to players that
are as intelligent as a single, given human (potentially the least
intelligent --- brain injury etc.). Arguably, this would allow for multiple
species to join the game.

Not that this would be likely. Nor undesirable ;-)

"So the situation is merely that it be suspected that one could pass the
Turing Test, and no proof is necessary unless someone objects to it?

I find that satisfactory."

Me too. Only someone will object sooner or later, so the whole "passing the
Turing test" issue would arise again :-p

I suggest: "is a human". To me, the point of this rule is to exclude sock
puppets. This being nomic, we can always revise "is a human" in the event
that we become aware of some non-human entity that is desirous and capable
of playing the game in a creative and productive manner.

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