Geoffrey Spear on Sun, 8 Feb 2009 15:50:17 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Where are my macks?

On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 5:10 PM, James Baxter <jebaxter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> As MoG I don't have to diplay laws or make the table which I just put up today (it's a bit hard to follow but it's there if you want it). I do those things as an extra service to the voting players of B Nomic (and I do it cheap, just m25 reward).

fwiw, since becoming MoS I've fixed 0X44's "every Minister gets 100
macks" error, and also this one.  It's still not a challengable part
of the MoS's public display.

Still, I welcome being replaced.  I only took the job because the
ndelay was getting ridiculous and no one else seemed likely to take
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