Ed Murphy on Fri, 6 Feb 2009 20:46:22 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Asplosion!!!!!!

teucer wrote:

> Unfortunately, without any indication of where the Supplicant intended
> the Consultation to begin and end, there's no reason to leave out eir
> signature and the word "whether", so the submission of the
> Consultation, like that of the Proposal, was ambiguous. Those terms
> don't do anything and are thus irrelevant to the effects of the
> Proposal or the Consultation, but they still create ambiguity,
> invalidating the game actions in question.

Since "ambiguity" is not formally defined by the rules, it must be
interpreted.  Interpreting it using this low a threshold is begging
for Massive Gamestate Recalculation on a regular basis.
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