0x44 on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 07:04:53 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Consultation 197 on I Propose Synonyms

None of Marr's "proposals" included {}

On Jan 28, 2009, at 7:58, Elliott Hird <penguinofthegods@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 28 Jan 2009, at 10:24, Alex Smith wrote:

I propose that if this proposal starts with the word "I", every player
gains m5, if this proposal starts with the word "that", every player
gains m10, and if this proposal starts with the word "if", every player
gains m15.

This fails!

I'm talking about I propose {create a rule titled "foo"}
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